XV. gimnazija, Jordanovac 8. Zagreb

Upute za provjeru znanja za upis u 1. razred međunarodnog programa IBMYP u ponedjeljak 13.7.2020. / Procedure for the IBMYP entrance exam to be held on Monday, 13th July, 2020

Provjera posebnih znanja kandidata potrebnih za upis u 1. razred međunarodnog programa IBMYP XV. gimnazije 13. srpnja 2020. bit će provedena na sljedeći način:

Ulazak u zgradu dopušten je samo kandidatima.

Kandidati dolaze u školu najmanje 15 minuta prije početka provjere.

U školu se ulazi na 2 ulaza: glavni ulaz iz ulice Jordanovac i stražnji ulaz iz Čikoševe ulice prema abecednom redu po prezimenu:
GLAVNI ULAZ: učenici od A do M (učionice: J4, J5, J7, J10);
ULAZ ČIKOŠEVA 2: učenici od N do Ž (učionice: P2, P4, P7, P8).

Svaki kandidat treba imati:

  • identifikacijski dokument s fotografijom (osobna iskaznica, putovnica, pokaz ili bilo koji drugi dokument s fotografijom);
  • zaštitnu masku (bit će osigurane na ulazu – preporučamo nošenje);
  • kemijsku olovku kojom se piše plavom ili crnom bojom, kalkulator, trokut i/ili ravnalo i bocu s vodom bez zaštitnih futrola i naljepnica.

Prilikom ulaska obvezna je dezinfekcija ruku i potplata obuće. Kandidatima će na ulasku biti mjerena temperatura, potom pokazuju identifikacijski dokument dežurnom nastavniku koji ih upućuje u učionicu bez zadržavanja na hodnicima i uz pridržavanje međusobnog razmaka.

Kandidati isključene mobitele, ručne satove, ruksake i druge torbice i sl. odlažu u učionici na za to predviđeno mjesto.

Ako među kandidatima ima netko s respiratornim poteškoćama ili izrečenom mjerom samoizolacije treba te okolnosti javiti prije provjere znanja na e-mail adresu [email protected] radi osiguranja posebne prostorije.

Svim kandidatima želimo puno uspjeha na provjeri znanja!

Procedure for the IBMYP entrance exam to be held on Monday, 13th July, 2020:

• Only the candidates taking the exam are allowed to enter the school premises.
• Candidates should arrive at least 15 minutes earlier.
• Candidates will enter the school alphabetically, using two of the school entrances as follows:

MAIN ENTRANCE (candidates A – M)
Classrooms: J4, J5, J7, J10
ENTRANCE ČIKOŠEVA 2 (candidates N – Ž)
Classrooms: P2, P4, P7, P8

• Candidates should bring along or have on them the following:

  1. An identification document containing a photograph (an ID card, a passport, or any other document with a photo, such as a public transport card).
  2. A face mask.
    Face masks will also be provided at both entrances, and the school highly recommends wearing one.
  3. A blue or black ink pen, a calculator, a ruler or a triangle, a bottle of water with no labels or protection sleeves on.
    • Hand and shoes sanitisers will be provided at both entrances, and it is mandatory for everyone to sanitise before entering the school.
    After having their temperature measured at the entrance, candidates will provide teachers/ invigilators with the ID document, and will be then directed to the assigned classroom.

Candidates are kindly asked NOT to lounge about school halls, but to keep social, i.e. physical distance.

• Mobile phones, watches, bags and other personal belongings are to be placed on designated desks provided in all classrooms.

Mobile phones must stay turned off at all times.

• Should any of the candidates have a respiratory condition or is under self- isolation measures, they should inform the school of these circumstances BEFORE the entrance exam is to take place at [email protected]. This is to ensure the proper procedure is put in place, and a separate room is provided.

Best of luck to all candidates!

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XV. gimnazija