XV. gimnazija, Jordanovac 8. Zagreb

O prehrani mladih sportaša u svojoj knjizi piše Goran Narančić, 2M

Dragi naši čitatelji, učenik 2m razreda, Goran Narančić objavio je knjigu “Nutrition Principles for Young Athletes” !

Knjiga govori o različitim temama vezanima uz prehrambene navike adolescenata koji se aktivno bave sportom. Ona sadrži smjernice i savjete za sve one koji uz pomoć pravilne prehrane nastoje ostvariti što bolje sportske rezultate.

Uz dozvolu autora, besplatno je možete preuzeti klikom na naslov !


Unlock the key information you’ve been looking for by reading Nutrition Principles for Young Athletes – a book that strives to guide the reader through the topic of nutrition and its application in sport and everyday life. It focuses on the special needs of adolescent athletes, how to make the food you eat work for you to achieve better results. Although the intended audience is a particular one, this book can be useful for people of all ages looking to improve their diet!

Čestitamo Goranu!

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XV. gimnazija